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How to Create a Digital PR Campaign

By Corey Batt


Public relations (PR) has always been about building brand awareness and managing reputations, so it’s no surprise that it translated so well to the digital space.  Whereas traditional PR was all about getting your brand mentioned in print media, digital PR focuses on raising awareness through digital media, such as: Online publications  Blogs Social media  … Continued

PR Backlinks How to get Press Links From Journalists

By Corey Batt


Which backlink would you rather have: one from a virtually unknown business directory or a link from a major news publication like The Wall Street Journal (WSJ)? The choice is obvious, as WSJ’s domain will have far more ranking power and influence than an obscure directory.  Links coming from news publications, online magazines, and journalists … Continued

The Ultimate Digital PR Guide for Beauty Brands

By Corey Batt


Public relations (PR) has always been integral to the beauty industry, especially for getting the word out about new brands and products.  In the past (think pre-internet), the beauty PR game revolved around networking with journalists from influential beauty and fashion magazines to secure brand mentions, features, and reviews.  Currently, most of these publications have … Continued

Everything You Need to Know About Niche Edits in 2024

By Corey Batt


Niche edits are simply a form of link building that are used by website owners to attract more visitors and promote business growth through search engine optimization techniques. In fact, only 22% of content published on the internet will be linked back more than once, which means there is so much untouched potential! In the realm of … Continued

How To Use HARO To Get Backlinks & Increase Your Website’s Authority

By Corey Batt


In the increasingly competitive landscape of modern SEO, obtaining high-quality backlinks has become a challenging task. However, there is a solution that stands out among the rest: HARO (Help a Reporter Out) links. These links have emerged as one of the most effective methods for acquiring authoritative backlinks from well-established publications. In fact, the worth … Continued

Authority Builders Affiliate Program

By Corey Batt


Join thousands of affiliates from across the globe! Customers blown away by our services, bloggers, Youtubers, educators and review sites are helping connect their audiences and networks with the best SEO services on the market while earning competitive referral commissions.   What is the Authority Builders Affiliate Program? Authority Builders Affiliate Program is the culmination … Continued

Link Building Strategies: 30+ SEO Experts Share Their Secrets

By Minuca Elena


Even today, backlinks are still the #1 ranking factor. That’s why everyone that does SEO is so focused on getting more links. In the last years, Google has done many algorithmic updates and that’s why some ways of earning backlinks that worked great a few years ago don’t work anymore or even can get your site … Continued

Backlink Strategy

By Corey Batt


  Backlinks are by far the top search engine ranking factor for showing up on Google’s first page.     Why is that? Because backlinks form the basis for the PageRank update that laid the cornerstone for Google’s ranking algorithm.           Not only that, but independent research has also confirmed that there is a direct correlation between backlinks and organic traffic.  A study conducted … Continued

How to Get Free, High-Power Backlinks by Leveraging Social Proof

By Matt Diggity


  Some of the best backlinks out there can be had for free, as long as you can provide something most brands can’t get enough of: Social proof. What is social proof? Who wants it? And more importantly… How do you leverage that desire to get super-powerful free links, free content, and even free stuff … Continued

How Effective Are Guest Posts in 2022? (100 Links Tested)

By Matt Diggity


  When Matt Cutts said that guest posting was dead, it sent the SEO community into a tailspin. After all, if Google’s former head of web spam declared it “too spammy” to work, then guest blogging should be scratched off every SEO campaign, right? Well, wrong. Let’s set the record straight: Cuts himself corrected his … Continued


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